Feeling the contrasts in the unknown
April 9, 2020
What the colour red can help with
June 5, 2020
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Practices to support base chakra wellness

Working with the base chakra and understanding more about it has been a huge support in many of areas of my life including: opening up to receive, feeling grounded and that I am safe to be me, releasing judgments, increasing energy, letting go of anger and bringing in more compassion and gentleness – to name a few.

For those that are new to the chakra system, chakras are commonly described as energy centres that correspond to various parts in the body. We have seven main ones in our body, going up from the base of our spine (also called Muladhara) right up to the crown of our head (known as Sahaswara). These chakras act as points between our human form and consciousness. Energy flows through these centres and when they are balanced we feel peaceful, centred and connected.

There are practices to support each chakra and help to balance it when it is stuck or blocked. Issues in the chakras might show up for you as feeling out of balance or coming up against a certain block in your life again and again.

When it comes to the base chakra, this is the area of consciousness of the physical body. It is traditionally seen as the colour red, which grounds, anchors and supports you as you engage with everyday life. It brings you into the present, so that you are able to be in your life right here, right now.

Some of the areas that relate to the base chakra are:

  • Connecting with your body/your physicality
  • Energy, action and motivation for life
  • Passion and sensuality
  • Ambition and power
  • Issues around money and your ability to receive
  • Relationships with others
  • Grounding, strength and focus
  • Any issues around survival
  • Judgements
  • Any feelings of victimhood or martyrdom

Being honest with yourself do any of the above areas affect you?

A few practices that can support you with your base chakra wellness are:

  • Eating red foods. But we’re talking natural here  not red colouring! Things like pomegranate, cherries, grapes, plums, beans, tomatoes and peppers.
  • Grounding practices such as getting out into nature and lying on the ground.
  • Wearing red. Colour can really affect us, and although red might seem like a colour that instils anger, it actually has been proven to induce a grounded, calm feeling!
  • Dancing barefoot, moving your body intuitively, connecting to your sensuality.
  • Spending some time reflecting or journaling on these prompts:
    • Where in your life do you over-give? How does it leave you feeling?
    • Where in your life do you still judge things/people? Simply observe without judgement.

These are just a few things that I hope inspire you to connect with your base chakra. I’d love to know what resonates, please reply to this email and share with me.

Going deeper

If you would like to go deeper, you can purchase the recording of a workshop on the base chakra. In it we dive deeper into connecting with the base chakra, through colour visualisations. meditations and journaling prompts. I guide you throughout, holding a space where you can connect to what is coming up for you in your life. I also share some tools and practices to support you.

Some of the things this particular workshop will support you with are:

  • Releasing judgements so that you feel a sense of peace and connection.
  • Feeling more connected to your body and being, present here at this time.
  • Support for any fears or anxieties rising in you at this time.
  • Feeling inspired and ready to take focused action in your life.
  • Connecting to your sensuality.

You can get access to the recording and a workbook of the prompts here.


‘The workshop was filled with many very thought provoking questions, I had many realisations and break throughs. Afterwards I felt more conscious and aware of the role of the root chakra energy in my life. Also, more confident in my ability to manifest my life in the 3D.
Be prepared to be surprised and to learn a lot about yourself. Tara is an amazing healer and she will hold the space for you in your process. She is the perfect guide to lead you on your journey of self discovery.’ Kasia, London

‘I took the Base Chakra session conducted by Tara. I felt very light after the visualisation exercise and felt calm and relaxed. I am also using the tools suggested by Tara, which are helping me to feel good both inside and outside. I was interested in knowing more about chakras, and this session was really helpful to get to the deep roots of our thoughts which are actually stopping us from achieving the things we desire. I would highly recommend joining this workshop.’ Nitin, India


  1. Kyle says:

    It looks like this link is broken on your site: https://www.tarajackson.co.uk/work-with-me/30-days-self-care/www.homeopathywithtracy.co.uk

    I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. I’ve used a tool called linkSniff.com in the past to keep mistakes off of my website.


    • admin says:

      Thank you for sharing Kyle (also the resource/tool) – the link is broken as I am no longer offering the 30 days of free self-care.

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