Taking care of yourself as the seasons change
November 1, 2016
Taking some time out for yourself
November 22, 2016
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How to handle the over-indulgence around Christmas

How to handle the over-indulgence around Christmas


It’s that time of year where it’s almost inevitable you will end up having a few too many drinks or mince pies, for a few too many nights in a row leaving you feeling low in energy and sluggish.

It is especially hard when you have so many commitments, work or otherwise, where it’s almost impossible not to join in and enjoy yourself. Let’s be honest, sometimes it can feel like it’s the only way to get through all the events!

It’s so easy to ditch all your healthy habits during this time, but even just doing a few things can help you feel as good as possible, whilst still joining in and enjoying yourself.

1. Start the day with a healthy protein smoothie – this will help you keep your energy levels up and give your body some extra support to get going on mornings when you may be feeling a little worse for wear.

2. Take a vitamin C supplement – to help replenish and boost your immunity so you don’t get run down.

3. Schedule in self-care – this is really important as it’s easy to get swept up in what everyone else needs and wants. Take some time for yourself to do what you love and you will feel better overall.

4. Eat what you LOVE, not just what you kind of like – it’s so easy to eat all the things at the buffet just because they are there. But how many of them do you really like? Pick only the things you love and you’ll find that you enjoy yourself more, as well as hopefully not overdoing it as much.

5. Commit to drinking enough water – one we all know, but is so easy to forget. Have a set limit you need to reach each day and make sure that you do.

6. Schedule in a few exercise sessions – again, one we know we need to do but can slip behind very easily. Remember one session is better than none, even just a short one when you can fit it in, or walking to and from places. Do what you can, and your body and mind will thank you for it.

Have a wonderful holiday season.

If you would like support around your wellbeing in any way, please book in a free 30 minute call with me here and let’s chat to see how I can best support you.

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