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How do you honour the season you are in?

I hope you have had a beautiful start to 2020. It has been quite mixed for me, with lots of big changes going on personally, which I will share more about later. But, I wanted to pop into your inbox to share a few things with you, which might be of interest.
I ran a beautiful workshop last weekend at the Awaken The Goddess festival in London. It was on seasonal and cyclical self-care and there was such a gorgeous group of women, who felt as strongly as me how out of alignment our Western working world is set up, for women – who are by nature cyclical beings and more in tune with a monthly lunar cycle, than the seven day week we currently have in place. No wonder there’s so much pushing and falling into unhealthy habits to keep going, which leads to burn out, health issues and more. Coupled with that we are seasonal beings and if you are in the northern hemisphere like me, you may have also likely felt the need for deep rest and gentleness, in tune with the depths of winter, rather than the pushing/goal setting mentality that western cultures encourage at the new year. Again all this pushing against what our bodies naturally feel creates even more overall tiredness and other health issues in the long run.
Now, if you are someone that feels energised by the winter (without the caffeine, sugar and other stimulants, then by all means go for it and do what you need to do), but I’m guessing that isn’t you if you are here.
Apart from the commitments I already had in place, I’ve actually really tried to honour the darkness of this time of year and haven’t been proactively putting anything ‘out there’ or pushing this past January. I’ve rested and napped as much as possible. I’ve been letting ideas bubble away, but not shared anything new yet. I’ve kept socialising to a minimum and haven’t gone on any new year diets or detoxes, like I used to do in the past. It’s been incredibly hard to do at times as we’re so conditioned to be constantly pushing and doing ’more’, but I am quite proud of myself for managing to.
Now I am personally really feeling the energy rising, which is in complete alignment with Chinese New Year (which was on the 25th) and Imbolc the Pagan holiday, a time for re-emergence and marks the middle point of the darkest months (which is tomorrow, February 1st). And I feel ready to start bringing myself out into the world, sharing more, in the deep knowing that by giving myself this time over the past month or so, I will be able to give more and be more.
I’d love to know if this resonates with you? How have you honoured the season you are in this past month?
I have a few seasonal self-care offers, which I hope might support you at this time.
Free 30-days of self-care – challenges
My free seasonal 30-days of self-care, which I begun in 2016, have now evolved and are automated (rather than in fixed months to coincide with the seasons in the northern hemisphere), so you can do them at any time, that suits you. This means that if you are in the southern hemisphere – you can also benefit from them. Just click here and add your details to take part in the season you are in.
‘Self-care for the soul’ – monthly online workshops
I am running monthly seasonal ‘Self-care for the soul’ workshops via Zoom (so you can join from home, in your PJs if you choose). Each workshop will focus on a different theme according to the moon cycles and seasonal shifts. Learning to work with the seasons and cycles (of the planet, moon and myself) and vary my self-care with them has been life-changing for me. It is an honour to share what I have learned, and am still learning, with you.
10% from every sale will go to ETATU, a Kenyan charity, which ensures orphans can go to school, raises standards of education and supports widowed women to look after their families, amongst other things.

You can find out more and save your space here. There’s a discount if you book a bundle too.
Seasonal self-care for sensitive souls – e-course
If you’d like to dive deeper into your seasonal self-care you may want to check out this e-course, which covers 12 different topics relating to the months and energies in the year.
The 12 different topics include: energy levels, shadow work – accepting all parts of yourself, self-love, magic and manifesting, harvesting, letting go, replenishment, balancing the feminine and masculine, plus more, which you can do intuitively or you could do one a month for a year. They each include meditations, visualisations, a workbook, prompts, tips and tools, and more to help you tune into your needs, whatever season you are in! You can find out more here

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