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Why a health coach is better than a diet

Four reasons why a health coach is better than a diet

Firstly, do you even really know what a health coach is?

To give you an overview, it is someone who works with you one-to-one as a supportive mentor and wellness authority to help you feel your best through diet and lifestyle changes. A health coach will tailor the programme to suit the individual’s needs, which leads me into my first reason…

1. One way of eating may work for one person but not for another. You may be sensitive to copious amounts of meat protein, whereas someone else thrives on it. We are all different, even if we are the same age, build and gender as someone else what are bodies need can vary. Have you ever followed the same diet as a friend only to find out they have lost weight and felt better, whereas you haven’t really noticed any changes, or even felt worse?

2. Diets are short term, a health coach helps you in the long term. Diets are meant to be followed for a given amount of time, so you get to where you want in terms of your weight, size, energy etc and then you usually go right back to where you were before you started. Does this sound familiar? With a health coach you are encouraged to make small changes in a number of areas (which I’ll talk about more in reason 3) over a longer period of time, which are sustainable and will stick with you for the long term. Health is a LIFEstyle, not just a four-week plan.

3. Diets don’t take into account other factors, which affect your health. By this I mean your relationships, career, spirituality, exercise and your long-term goals and aspirations. These all have an affect on the way you eat and take care of yourself. For example, if you are going through a difficult time in your relationship or are feeling lost and like you don’t know what you are doing with your life, this will affect your motivation to be healthy and look after yourself in a loving way. I know when I’m going through a rough patch I just want to curl up in bed with movies and eat pizza. A health coach is there to listen and help guide you to make positive, proactive choices in all areas of your life, leading to a healthier balance overall.

4. Diets leave you to get on with it, whereas a health coach is there for ongoing support and accountability. Diets can go brilliantly, you’re on top of everything, sticking to your plan, then you have a bad day and consume a whole carton of ice cream, and more (that’s normal, we all have bad days)! But that then leads to another day off your plan, and more. It’s hard to get motivated to start again; life can get in the way. With a health coach, you can share your lows, as well as your highs, and get support to keep making healthy choices for yourself. It’s also encouraging to have someone to ‘check-in’ with regularly, and can help you feel accountable.

Need some more self-care in your life? You can join my next free self-care challenge here.

If you would like support around your wellbeing in any way, please book in a free 30 minute call with me here and let’s chat to see how I can best support you.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

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