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Take control of your week

Two ways to take control of your week

Oh s*** it’s almost Monday morning and you haven’t done x, y and z. You have said yes to too many social and work events and you aren’t quite sure how you’re going to get through the week. Does this ever feel like your Sunday evening?

Okay, take a long deep breath and stop for a second, here are just two things you can do to help you take control and lose the overwhelm.

1. Prioritise Write down 3 things you have to, have to, get done tomorrow. Do this again tomorrow night and then the following and so on, for every day of the week. This will help you to prioritise what really needs to happen and what can get pushed back so you don’t feel bombarded. I’m a bit of a list geek and like to tick off everything as I do it and it helps me feel a sense of accomplishment.

2. Clear your head Set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than normal and start your day off with a simple meditation. I love the Headspace app, which has 10 x 10 minute meditations – free when you sign up. Clearing your head first thing will help to calm and ground you before you start your day.

Need some more self-care in your life? You can join my next free self-care challenge here.

If you would like support around your wellbeing in any way, please book in a free 30 minute call with me here and let’s chat to see how I can best support you.

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